All Directions Name in English

We use direction to represent any place accurately. That is why it is important for you to know the directions name in English. Below you will get information about all the names.

Along with humans, animals also use directions, and some creatures even travel very long distances. To get the correct direction, you can use a compass, which shows you the direction using the gravity of the earth.

directions name in english

4 Main Directions

These are the main directions, whose names you might have heard many times and they are mostly used to represent any place visually.

NoDirections Name in English

4 Sub-Directions

Sub directions are used to accurately indicate the location of any particular direction. For example, UK is located in north-west Europe.

NoSub-Directions Name in English


How many directions are there in total?

Generally there are 4 main directions North, South, East, West and 4 sub directions North-East, North West, South West, South East, thus total there are 8 directions.


If you are also going to learn English or want to increase your vocabulary power, then it is very important to know the vocabulary of all directions name in English. If you also want similar vocabulary updates regularly, then definitely follow Names Info on all Social Media platforms and YouTube.